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This integration relies on the ForgeRock Social Provider Handler Node which is available in ForgeRock Platform 7 and assumes integration between AM and IDM has been configured. Please, refer to .

  • A Forgerock account/subscription. If you don’t have a subscription, please contact Forgerock at
  • A Forgerock tenant that is linked to your forgerock subscription.
  • Your Client ID, also known as Partner code, provided by itsme®.
  • Your Service code provided by itsme®.
  • Your public jwkset_uri (please, provide it to or the secret provided by itsme® (in case of client secret)
  • Your redirect_uri you will be redirecting the user to (please, provide it to, e.g.


itsme-Forgerock schema

  1. On your website or application, include the Log in with itsme® button by adapting in the Forgerock user flow. The interaction flow starts when the user clicks on this button.
  2. Forgerock starts the OpenID connect flow by sending an Authorize request to the itsme® API. is pre-configured within Forgerock ecosystem & contains information about the endpoints.
  3. itsme® environment redirects the user to the itsme® identify yourself page, allowing the user to fill in their phone number.
  4. itsme® receives the phone number from the user and validates it.
  5. If the phone number belongs to an active itsme® user, an Action is created for the itsme® app.
  6. The user opens the itsme® app, checks the request, and confirms the action.
  7. The app informs the itsme® environment the action has been confirmed.
  8. The itsme® environment returns the authorization code to Forgerock.
  9. Using the authorization code, Forgerock makes a token request.
  10. The itsme® environment checks the token request, and if still valid, returns the OAuth access token and the ID token containing the requested user information.
  11. Finally, the user is redirected to the redirect_uri as an authenticated user.

Configuration between Forgerock and itsme®

Step 1: Setup itsme® to ForgeRock AM

  1. Log in to the forgerock Identity cloud
  2. Go to “native consoles” > “access management”
  3. Go to “services” > “social identity provider service” > “secondary configuration”
  4. Select itsme®
  5. Populate the details with the parameters you got from itsme®: (NOTE: Forgerock automatically populates these fields with production endpoints. Initially, these need to be changed to E2E endpoints in order to function.)
Parameter Value
ClientID Your Client ID, also known as Partner code
Client Secret Your client_secret (leave empty in case of public-private key pair, i.e. jwkset_uri)
Authentication Endpoint URL “”
Token Endpoint “”
User Profile Service URL “”
RedirectURI your redirectURI
NOTE: for itsme® to function in production, the Forgerock tenant needs to be installed with a custom domain ( and an OV/EV certificate. Please contact Forgerock support to make sure this is installed on your tenant.
OAuth Scopes openid profile email service:YOURSERVICECODE
Client Authentication Method ENCRYPTED_PRIVATE_KEY_JWT
PKCE method S256
Request Parameter JWT Option NONE
ACR Values N/A
Well Known Endpoint
Request Object Audience “”

All other fields can be left on the default settings from Forgerock.

  1. Select ‘itsme® profile normalization’ in the transform script drop-down menu.

Step 2: Define your itsme® journey

Go to Journeys and select itsme® to build your workflow. There is already a custom flow ready for you to use with itsme®. By default, it includes a username/password flow with itsme® added as a secondary option, but this can be adapted as you wish. itsme tenant tree